How to make Backrope for Terracotta Necklace
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Backrope is hard to find at times, especially the black one. Did you know you can make it yourself with the help of easily available materials? Checkout this video to see how it is done.
Happy Crafting!!
Black thread enge kedaikkum madam,
Adhu enna arna kairu aa ?
Thank you chechi, paintedearth by neha Chechi’s channel recommend for seeing this video? Thanks a lot for this video 🙏🏻😊
Where can we get these wooden beads?
Super easy to do thank you for sharing
It’s very useful…Big thank you for the video. I am doing terracotta jewellery. So really helpful👍
Very useful, tq mam 🙏😊
Very simple to make thank you so much
சூப்பரமா 👍👌👌👌
Thank u for sharing this video.very useful 💐💐💐
Pls share where to but those thread and beads
Super sis
Pls share taracotta jewellery making video sis
Good job
I like this idea
super mam
Awesome !!very nice tutorial.Thankyouvery much for sharing.